Thursday 13 August 2015

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Systemic infections are not easy to treat. ED Protocol Book Review For most people, treatment for such diseases consists of potent cocktails of antibiotics or antifungals. Candidiasis is one of these infections that require constant attention and treatment. The flip side of this is that Candidiasis is very treatable and the existing treatments show excellent prognosis. However, treatment of this disease can be very costly could take a very long time to clear.

Candida Albicans exists naturally in the body, especially in the intestines. Normally, these fungi do not cause harm to a healthy body. Unfortunately, though, if there is an overgrowth of these fungi, it could cause a systemic infection (an infection that affects your whole body). Some causes of Candidiasis are the misuse or overuse of antibiotics, deficient diet, exposure to germs, stress and lowered immune response, sedentary lifestyle, and others.
Treatment for Candida include

Potent Antifungals - the patient will be given systemic antifungals such as Nizoral, Diflucan, and Nystatin. The treatment period using these antifungals typically extends over many months and requires high dosages. Some people exhibit side effects upon using the said antifungals. They are effective even though they take some time to fully clear the infection.

Acidophilus and Lactobacilus strains - these probiotic supplements help right the intestinal flora, and keep the balance of bacteria in the body in check. These supplements are typically 1000mg strong and are taken twice a day indefinitely.
The use of such probiotics helps prevent the recurrence of Candida overgrowth. Fortunately, even for those without systemic yeast infections, the use of probiotics has a beneficial effect. There are commercially available probiotic drinks and supplements for everyday use, and can be easily purchased at any supermarket.

Colloidal Silver - this was used as an antimicrobial agent long before antibiotics came along. This is to be taken twice a day for three to nine months. There are purported side-effects such as a discoloration in the skin, but have not been verified.

Candida Diet - a low sugar, low starch, low processed food diet. The Candida Diet can bring relief to some symptoms of systemic Candidiasis in as little as two to four weeks. This diet can be used in conjunction with other existing treatments and is a very viable solution to Candidiasis.